Age: 48 years old
Sponsors: In order of sponsorships: GT bicycles. Mongoose. Hutch. Haro. Vuarnet Sunglasses, Rector clothing. Quicksilver, Vans, Converse, Bell, Swatch, MOM N DAD.
Favorite Riding Spot: My parking garage...Chandler Skate Park
Favorite BMX Video: Anything with Dave Mirra in it
Website: Facebook
Web Video: Evolution of Dance
Food: Anything from Taco Bell
Destination: Favorite was living in Germany back in 89 for a year.
Favorite Riders to Ride with: Pat Anderson, Henry Davis, Dave Nourie
Favorite Car: '57 Chevy stepside pickup...streeted out. I owned two of 'em
Favorite Movie: The Star Wars (Trilogy).
Favorite Color: '69 Chevy huger orange.
Favorite Shoe: got me there..anything that fits from my closet is at that moment my favorite shoe..I have a big soft spot for Vans though
Restaurant: Taco Bell
Clothing company: Quicksilver
Favorite Bike Company: When I lost my sponsor due to the fall of our sport... Haro came to my rescue and Co-sponsored me... for 7-8 yrs... I owe them ...they're my favorite cool life changing company.
My Favorite Contest: had to be one of the original pipeline contest of say 1984-5... I never knew a guy could get 9' of air outa a bowl... Eddie Fiolia, Mike Daminguez, Blyther, and Sigur owned it that day... ramps are not skate parks ...that day (contest) was life changing for me.
Favorite Bike Shop: I guess of all time it's Rockville..they just were so cool and helped push our sport more than anyone back in the day
Phone: I -Phone..which I do not own
Music: Missy Elliot
Ramp Rider: Dave Mirra
Street: Hugo Gonzalez
Dirt: Ryan Nyquist
Flatland: Martin Aparijo
Old school Rider: Eddie Fiola
Drink: Dr Pepper
Trick: Backwards Rubber Rides
Magazine: BMX Action (Cause they changed the face of BMX racing and Freestyle). My 1st ever photo in a mag was a Vander-roll in Actions take outs.
MC: Frank Scura
Video Game: Final Fantasy VII
Photographer: Windy Osborn
Girl: My Mom
Sports other then BMX: Motocross Racing
Party: New years eve parties: All of 'em!
Thanks to: Fat-BMX
Thanks to: Fat-BMX
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